Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War

This group of photos was compiled and published by the Office of the Chief of Military History of the United States Department of the Army (1956); US Army in World War II” Second, Stilwell’s Command in the China India Myanmar War Zone
The book is divided into three parts:
The first part, the plan and planning of the North Burma campaign: October December 1943
Part II: The Battle of North Myanmar: December 1943 to August 1944
The third part is about China’s theater command

This period&mdash& mdash;
In August 1943, the Quebec Conference decided to establish the Allied Southeast Asia War Zone, in which Stilwell served as the deputy supreme commander
Stilwell attended the Sino American and British Cairo Conference in November 1943
In December 1943, Stilwell commanded the Chinese garrison in India to launch a counter offensive against northern Myanmar; In August of the next year, it occupied Myitkyina, achieved basic victory in the battle, and gave the Japanese elite 18th Division a annihilative strike
On June 4, 1944, the Chinese Expeditionary Force attacked Songshan in Lameng Township, Longling County. It took 95 days. The victory of this campaign pushed the battle line outward, broke the deadlock in the Western Yunnan Campaign, and opened the prelude to China’s counter offensive
In July 1944, Roosevelt suggested that Chiang Kai shek grant Stilwell the full authority to command all the troops in the Chinese theater of war. Chiang Kai shek replied by telegram that; Agree in principle
In September 1944, Chiang Kai shek asked the President of the United States to recall Stilwell for the third time
In October 1944, Roosevelt agreed to recall Stilwell. Stilwell left Chongqing on the 21st and returned home

The above information may be related to this book and is transcribed for reference

This book is attached with 52 photos, which are still very clear after printing and scanning. We download them to share with you

本组照片出自美国陆军部军事史首长办公室编写出版(1956年)的“二战中的美国军队”之二,《中印缅战区 史迪威的指挥问题》。




图片[1]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[2]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[3]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[4]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[5]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[6]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[7]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[8]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[9]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[10]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[11]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[12]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[13]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[14]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[15]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[16]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[17]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[18]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[19]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[20]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[21]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[22]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[23]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[24]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[25]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[26]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[27]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive
图片[28]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[29]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[30]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[31]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[32]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[33]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[34]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

图片[35]-Photos of the Battle of Western Yunnan and Northern Myanmar during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

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