Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi

Old pictures of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi

Guo Bro· Wanrong (November 13, 1906— June 20, 1946), Zhengbai Banner of Manchuria (Daur nationality)& ldquo; Wanrong” Two characters and her“ Muhong” From Ode to Luoshen:“ Elegant as a swan, graceful as a dragon& rdquo; Wanrong’s father, Guo Bro· Rongyuan, an enlightened person, was then the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On November 5, 1924, Puyi was expelled from the Forbidden City, and Wanrong also left the palace and went to live in Tianjin with Puyi. On March 1, 1934, Wanrong was conferred the title of Empress of Manchuria. Later, he was rejected by Puyi and lived on opium. In 1935, Wanrong had an affair with others. After giving birth to a baby girl, the baby girl died soon and was put into cold storage by Yuyi. She suffered from mental illness due to excessive stimulation. In August 1945, the Soviet Union quickly occupied Manchuria. Wanrong withdrew from Xinjing to Dalizigou, Tonghua, with the court personnel on the 11th. Later, she was captured by our guerrillas and transported to Tonghua, Changchun, Yongji, Dunhua and Yanji successively. Finally, she died in the prison in Yanji, Jilin Province before and after June 10, 1946 or in late August. The burial place is unknown, and there is no place to find the bones


郭布罗·婉容(1906年11月13日—1946年6月20日),满洲正白旗(达斡尔族)。 “婉容”二字及她的字“慕鸿”来自《洛神赋》:“翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。”婉容的父亲郭布罗·荣源,是位开明人士,时任内务府大臣。1924年,11月5日,溥仪被驱逐出紫禁城,婉容也随之离宫,随溥仪前往天津居住。1934年3月1日,婉容被册封为满洲帝国皇后。后遭溥仪厌弃,吸食鸦片烟度日。1935年婉容与别人私通,生下一个女婴后很快女婴死亡,被赙仪打入冷宫,刺激过大而患上精神疾病。1945年8月,苏联迅速攻占满洲,婉容在11日随宫廷人员自新京撤至通化大栗子沟,后被我游击队俘虏,先后运至通化、长春、永吉、敦化、延吉,最后于1946年6月10日前后或8月下旬死于吉林省延吉的监狱里。葬地不明,尸骨亦无处寻找

图片[1]-Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi-China Archive

图片[2]-Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi-China Archive

图片[3]-Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi-China Archive

图片[4]-Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi-China Archive


图片[5]-Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi-China Archive


图片[6]-Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi-China Archive

图片[7]-Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi-China Archive

图片[8]-Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi-China Archive

图片[9]-Old photos of Empress Wanrong and Concubine Wen Xiu of Puyi-China Archive

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