得勝圖 卷

得勝圖 卷

  • Image Number: K2A001752N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: (1)52.9×90.5、(2)25.9×90.7、(3)52.9×90.6、(4)52.9×91.5、(5)52.9×90.7、(6)52.9×91.3、(7)52.9×91、(8)52.9×91、(9)56.3×91(10)56.3×91
  • Description:
    In the 24th year of Qianlong’s reign (1759), after pacifying the Hui and Junggar tribes, Emperor Qianlong ordered Western missionaries Lang Shining and others to draw sixteen pictures of the victory of pacifying the Junggar Hui. According to the literature records, 100 sets of engraved copper plates were sent to Europe and France after the drawing was completed. Guo Xin, a French sculptor, was responsible for the engraving work. In the 37th year of Qianlong’s reign (1772), he successively completed the printing of copper prints The original manuscript of “The Painting of Goden Ora’s Zhuo Camp” was drawn by Lang Shining. The scene is very impressive. The mountains and clouds all have Western style modeling techniques, which also shows the detailed outline.

得勝圖 卷

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