Pair of threaded silk green tassel ornaments with gold and coral, Qing dynasty, 18th c., work of the Muslim regions

Pair of threaded silk green tassel ornaments with gold and coral, Qing dynasty, 18th c., work of the Muslim regions

  • Image Number: K1D006169N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Dress accessories
  • Material: Minerals/Metals/
  • Description:
    This is a green line with gold inlaid with pine stone spikes. Two coral beads are strung on both ends of the green line, with gold inlaid with pine stone flowers in the middle and gold inlaid Ruyi cloud head at the bottom.

清 穿金鑲松石綠線穗一副
图片[2]-Pair of threaded silk green tassel ornaments with gold and coral, Qing dynasty, 18th c., work of the Muslim regions-China Archive
图片[3]-Pair of threaded silk green tassel ornaments with gold and coral, Qing dynasty, 18th c., work of the Muslim regions-China Archive
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