Jade Scabbard Slide, mid-Western Han to Eastern Han dynasty, 140 BCE-220 CE

Jade Scabbard Slide, mid Western Han to Eastern Han dynamics, 140 BCE-220 CE

  • Image Number:K1C003313N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty:Western Han dynamics
  • Category:Jade
  • Function:Ritual vessel
  • Mat Serial:Mineral/jade jewelry/jade
  • Description:
    Blue white jade, The phenomenon of whitening is slight. In addition, the jade sword of the Han Dynasty is well polished, which gives you a glimpse of the bright light of the glass when it was just completed. As for the tattoo design, the animal face with animal eyes and double eyebrows can be seen below (the animal face should face up when the sword is actually used). From the bottom to the top, the body is laid out with repeated tattoo units to outline the simplified back of the animal body, which is a common pattern of tattoo design from the middle Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty

西漢中期至東漢 玉劍璏
图片[2]-Jade Scabbard Slide, mid-Western Han to Eastern Han dynasty, 140 BCE-220 CE-China Archive
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