Jade staff pommel in the shape of a turtledove, 1st century BCE to 2nd century CE, mid-Western Han to Eastern Han period

Jade staff pommel in the shape of a turtledove,1st century BCE to 2nd century CE, Mid Western Han to Eastern Han period

  • Image Number:K1C005676N000000000PAD
  • Dynamic:Western Han dynamic
  • Category:Jades
  • Function:Miscellaneous
  • Material:Mineral/jade jewelry/jade
  • Description:. The whole vessel is a dormant dove with a plump body and simple shape. The eagle has a round eye and a short beak. The crown of the head extends to the back, the wings are on both sides of the body, the feet are folded and hidden under the abdomen, and the end of the long tail is slightly expanded. There is a small cross between the neck and the corolla, which should be chiseled after the Han Dynasty, so that it can be used for threading and hanging

西漢中期至東漢 西元前一世紀至西元二世紀 玉鳩杖首
图片[2]-Jade staff pommel in the shape of a turtledove, 1st century BCE to 2nd century CE, mid-Western Han to Eastern Han period-China Archive
图片[3]-Jade staff pommel in the shape of a turtledove, 1st century BCE to 2nd century CE, mid-Western Han to Eastern Han period-China Archive
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