Macang Lays Low the Enemy

Macang Lays Low the Enemy

  • Image Number: K2A001098N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Giuseppe Castiglione;Lang Shining;郎世寧
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 38.4×285.9?
  • Description:
    Ma&# 29818; He made contributions to the Qing army’s pacification of the war in the Western Regions. He joined Vice General Fu De in a crusade against the Zhungeer tribe, went deep into the enemy’s array, abandoned his mount and was wounded, and was later promoted to the commander of the escort army. At the end of the volume is Emperor Qianlong’s ode to Yangma; And ordered Ma to be depicted; The deeds are praised. Ma in the Picture; The arrow was about to bow, and the enemy in front had already shot an arrow. It was Ma; How to use three arrows to cure the enemy. According to the imperial title of Qianlong, it is known that this painting was completed in the year of Jimao (1759).

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