Collaborative Imitation of Zhao Boju’s “Palace of Nine Perfections”

Collaborative Imitation of Zhao Boju’s “Palace of Nine Perfections”

  • Image Number: K2A002928N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Ding Guanpeng;Sun Hu;丁觀鵬;孫祜
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 43.4×42.3
  • Description:
    Antique paintings in the Qianlong Dynasty were also often done in the way of “cooperation”. This work is an example of Zhao Boju’s “Han Palace Painting” in our collection The picture of the palace of the Han Dynasty depicts the festival activities of the ladies in the palace among the palaces and gardens. The scenes are various and the description is exquisite, which is amazing. The imitations of Sun Hu and Ding Guanpeng replaced the architecture and pendulum setting with Qing palace style, and also depicted details with lines finer than hair, which was quite an attempt to compete with the Song version. The inscription and postscript of Emperor Qianlong connected Wei Zheng, his admonitor related to the Jiucheng Palace of the Tang Dynasty, with Ma Zhou’s real facts, and promoted this painting to a painting with the meaning of regulation and reference.

清孫祜丁觀鵬合倣趙千里九成宮圖 軸

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