Amalgam-gilt lamp in the shape of zhi vessel, Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.

Amalgam gift lamp in the shape of zhi vessel, Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.

  • Image Number:B1A000216N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty:Han dynamity
  • Category:Bronzes
  • Function:Illuminator
  • Mat serial:mineral/metal/bronze
  • Description:
    cylindrical body, It looks like a bronze wine vessel. Deep straight wall, flat bottom, three hoofed short foot, attached plate, with a tube attached to the cover. The whole vessel is gilded, and the outer wall of the vessel is decorated with ribbons. The lamp is used for lighting. The Z-shaped lamp can hold more oil because of its deep abdomen. There is a hole in the center of its cover for piercing the tube, which is hollow or used for inserting the wick. A pair of copper Zhiding lamps (1:5086, 1:5087) were unearthed from the No.1 Han Tomb in Mancheng, Hebei Province. The shape of the straight cylinder cup is similar to this one. The cup has no feet, and the lid can be turned over. The cup and lid have inscriptions, so they are named Zhiding

漢 鎏金卮鐙

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