Ganlan olive stone miniature boat with the Ode to the Red Cliff carved on the bottom, by Chen Zuzhang. 1737 C.E.

Ganlan olive stone miniature boat with the Ode to the Red Cliff carved on the bottom, by Chen Zuzhang. 1737 C.E.

  • Image Number: K1G000182N000000000PAF
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Carvings
  • Function: Stationery
  • Material: Plants/fruit stone/olive
  • Description:
    This piece was written by Chen Zuzhang, a famous dentist in the Palace of Qing Dynasty, in the second year of Qianlong reign (1737). The canoe is made of olive stone. On both sides of the cabin with bamboo roof, there are sliding windows that can be opened and closed. There are eight boatmen, servants and passengers on the boat. The bottom of the boat is engraved with the full text of Su Shi’s “Fu on the Red Cliff” in running script and engraved with Chen Zuzhang. The images of canoeing on a moonlit night are portrayed by the characters’ moods, space configurations and details in the ancient literary masterpieces. When the viewer holds his breath and opens the small window, it seems that he and Su Shi, who is sitting against the window, travel together in Red Cliff, and feel “like a reed in the moonlight, and feel the emptiness of a vast expanse of land.” The pleasure of.

清 乾隆二年 陳祖章 雕橄欖核舟(底刻「後赤壁賦」全文)
图片[2]-Ganlan olive stone miniature boat with the Ode to the Red Cliff carved on the bottom, by Chen Zuzhang. 1737 C.E.-China Archive
图片[3]-Ganlan olive stone miniature boat with the Ode to the Red Cliff carved on the bottom, by Chen Zuzhang. 1737 C.E.-China Archive
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