Jade Dragon Pendant, mid Warring States period, 375-276 BCE
- Image Number:B1C000394N000000000PAB
- Dynamy:Warring States period
- Category:Jade
- Function:Clothing and accessories
- Material:Mineral/Jade Jewelry/Jade
- Description:
Dark green jade, A thin layer of white spots is formed in many places, and some parts seem to present the original translucent texture. The dragon head looks exquisite, the dragon body turns vividly and forcefully, and is decorated with grain patterns representing vitality. It is paired with another jade dragon, which is extra large, or is worn by someone who is the Duke of Lu
![戰國 龍形佩](https://chinaarchive.net/Warring States period/Jades/B1C000394N000000000PAB-7108.jpg)
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