Jade sword pommel, Western Han period

Jade word pommel, Western Han period

  • Image Number:K1C001281N000000000PAC
  • Dynamy:Warring States period
  • Category:Jades
  • Function:Swords
  • Material:Mineral/jade jewelry/hornblende
  • Description:
    Jade sword head, sword Tan, sword guard and sword Kuan are collectively called “Jade sword”, In the Han Dynasty, the swordsmen carried swords. Those who were more particular about decorating bronze swords or iron swords and their scabbards with such decorations. The head of the sword is an ornament inlaid at the end of the hilt. It is round in shape. The front is decorated with valley patterns, cloud patterns, etc., and the back is made with a circular groove for inlaying at the end of the hilt. This sword head is typical of the Han Dynasty style

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