Flask with bird pattern and copper inlay, Warring States period (475-221 BCE)

Flask with bird pattern and coupler inlay, Warring States period (475-221 BCE)

  • Image Number:C1A000945N000000000PAF
  • Dynamy:Warring States period
  • Category:Bronzes
  • Function:Ritual vessels, wine vessels
  • Material:Mineral/metal/bronze
  • Description:
    Straight neck, flat and round abdomen, The feet are square, and animal head rings are set on both sides of the shoulder. The neck is decorated with triangular patterns, and the abdomen is decorated with a square unit impression formed by the combination of the bird patterns outlined by the head. The square unit impression is continuously imprinted on the bright part surrounded by the inlaid red copper, forming a dense and unique impression pattern

戰國 嵌紅銅鳥紋扁壺
图片[2]-Flask with bird pattern and copper inlay, Warring States period (475-221 BCE)-China Archive
图片[3]-Flask with bird pattern and copper inlay, Warring States period (475-221 BCE)-China Archive
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