Kapala skull offering bowl, presented by Tatshag Khutuktu, 12th day of the 7th month of the 58th year of the Qianlong reign (August 18, 1793), Qing dynasty

Kapala skull offering bowl, presented by Tatshag Khutuktu, 12th day of the 7th month of the 58th year of the Qianlong reign (August 18, 1793), Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1D001973N000000000PAK
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Magic instrument
  • Material: Animal/bone/
  • Description:
    In the 57th year of Emperor Qianlong’s reign (1792), Fu Kang’an (1754-1796) and other soldiers led troops to quell the second Gurkha rebellion. The Eighth Yeshe Lobsang Tenpai Gonpo (1760-1810), who was then the regent, issued the title of “Huitong Zen Master” because of his contributions to the military affairs. The eighth Jishou Hutuktu is a token of gratitude, which is presented in this Gudgabra bowl. “Gabula” is a bowl made from human skull processing, which is a magic tool used in the ceremony of the supreme Yoga Tantra. The Tibetan characters “A” and “Hung” are hidden on the front and right sides of this Gabula offering bowl. Tibetan Buddhist tradition believes that this is a symbol of virtue and is extremely precious, so it is presented to the emperor. The bowl is inlaid with gold

清 乾隆五十八年 古德嘎布拉供碗- 駐藏濟嚨呼圖克圖進
图片[2]-Kapala skull offering bowl, presented by Tatshag Khutuktu, 12th day of the 7th month of the 58th year of the Qianlong reign (August 18, 1793), Qing dynasty-China Archive
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