Kapala offering bowl with pedestal, presented by Tatshag Khutuktu, 12th day of the 7th month of the 58th year of the Qianlong reign (August 18, 1793), Qing dynasty

Kapala offering bowl with pedestal, presented by Tatshag Khutuktu, 12th day of the 7th month of the 58th year of the Qianlong reign (August 18, 1793), Qing dynasty

  • Image Number: K1D001974N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Qing dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Magic instrument
  • Material: Minerals/Metals/
  • Description:
    “Gabula” is a bowl made from human skull processing, which is a magic tool used in the ceremony of the supreme Yoga Tantra. The Tibetan characters “A” and “Hung” are hidden on the front and right sides of this Gabula offering bowl. Tibetan Buddhist tradition believes that this is a symbol of virtue and is extremely precious, so it is presented to the emperor. The bowl was inlaid with gold, with chisel marks, a gold cover on the top and a bracket on the bottom. (So miscellaneous 1973~1974) There are three skeletons welded on the waist bracket, inlaid with a circle of turquoise, and inscribed with a Xifangude Gabrazan plate, decorated with twig lotus patterns. The supporting surface and the bottom of the pedestal are carved in four scripts of Han, Tibetan, Manchu, and Mongolian: “On July 12, the 58th year of Qianlong’s reign in Tibet, Jishou Hutuktu went forward respectfully.”. Todi is carved in four styles of Han, Tibetan, Mongolian and Manchu, and the content is the poem praise made by the Emperor Qianlong: “Xifan Gudegabulazan. Xifan

清 乾隆五十八年 古德嘎布拉供碗托座- 駐藏濟嚨呼圖克圖進

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