Jade Bi Disc with Double-Bodied Beast Pattern, mid-Warring States period to Western Han dynasty, 375 BCE-8 CE

Jade Bi Disc with Double-Bodied Beast Pattern,mid-Warring States period to Western Han dynasty, 375 BCE-8 CE

  • Image Number:K1C003141N000000000PAC
  • Dynamy:Warring States period
    The original jade is yellow and white, which is made of plain jade of Qijia Longshan series, It is dark brown now. The reason is that in addition to the discoloration caused by earlier burial, the collection may also be slightly stained in the process of spreading. This kind of jade bi with double body and animal design began to appear in the middle of the Warring States Period and was widely popular in the Western Han Dynasty. It is commonly used in the tombs of great nobles, or as a coffin insert, or as a pillow under the head, chest and back of the tomb owner. In addition, it is also common in sacrificial sites. It can be seen that although the production of such a large wall looks simple, it is extremely high in specification and is by no means ordinary

戰國中期至西漢 雙身獸紋玉璧
图片[2]-Jade Bi Disc with Double-Bodied Beast Pattern, mid-Warring States period to Western Han dynasty, 375 BCE-8 CE-China Archive
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