Ding cauldron with interlaced dragons, late Spring and Autumn period, 570-476 BCE

Ding cauldron with inserted dragons, late Spring and Autumn period, 570-476 BCE

  • Image Number:K1A002252N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty:Spring and Autumn period
  • Category:Bronzes
  • Function:Gifts, food containers
  • Material:Mineral/metal/bronze
  • Description:
    Sub female, Ear appendages, tympanum, round bottom, hoof feet. The belly is decorated with a coiled dragon pattern, the side of the ear is decorated with a rope pattern, and the abdominal wall is partially repaired. The whole vessel is finely decorated with red and black paint, and the workmanship is exquisite. This kind of cauldron with ears was popular in the Spring and Autumn Period. You can refer to several bronze cauldrons unearthed in Shangma Cemetery in Shanxi Province. On the outer bottom of the utensil, there is a yellow sign of Qing Palace, “Chong No. 40”, indicating that the original display location is Chonghua Palace. The original cover was lost, and the Qing Palace was replaced with a jade top wooden cover

春秋 蟠夔紋鼎
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