Seeking Antiquity at Fengjing

Seeking Antiquity at Fengjing

  • Image Number: K2A000617N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Dong Qichang;董其昌
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 80×29.8
  • Description:
    Dong Qichang (1555-1636 AD) was named Xuanzai. He was an important calligrapher, painter and theorist in the late Ming Dynasty. The picture was painted in 1602. It was mentioned that Gu Shiyu, together with Li Gui, visited Fengjing in the rain, inspected the ancient sites and began to draw pictures. The mountain rocks are textured with patchwork and textured with thick and light ink, showing the characteristics of Wang Wei and Dong Yuan’s first series of ink landscapes. The overall contrast between dark and light ink is strong. The layout of mountains, trees and stones attaches importance to the trend of connection, laying a foundation for tradition and innovation.

明董其昌葑涇訪古圖 軸

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