Joyous Matters in an Era of Peace

Joyous Matters in an Era of Peace

  • Image Number: K2A003145N000000003PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: uncategorized
  • Author: 戴進
  • Form: 冊(摺裝‧方幅式)
  • Exhibition dimension: 21.8×22
  • Description:
    Dai Jin (1388-1462) was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The word “Wenjin” is also called “Jing’an” or “Yuquan Mountain People”. In the Xuanzong Dynasty, he was recommended to work in Beijing, but was shunned by many painters, so he returned to the south. He is good at landscapes, figures, Taoist interpretation, flowers and birds, and portraits. He can imitate the ancients, and is especially good at horses and Xia. The painting style of the “Zhejiang School” in the Kaiming Dynasty. Before the 1520s, most of the painting reviews recommended him as the first painter of the Ming Dynasty. After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the painting of the Wu School, led by scholars such as Shen Zhou and Wen Zhengming, rose. The difference between the painting styles of the “Wu School” and the “Zhe School” gradually formed an appreciation view of “Wu” as elegant and “Zhe” as popular. Under the atmosphere of “suppressing Zhejiang and promoting Wu”, Dai Jin’s name also fell slightly. There are few works handed down from generation to generation, and the styles are diverse.

明戴進太平樂事 冊 捕魚

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