Imitation of Yan Zhenqing’s Calligraphy

Imitation of Yan Zhenqing’s Calligraphy

  • Image Number: K2B000505N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: 董其昌
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 151.4×54.2
  • Description:
    Dong Qichang (1555? 1636 AD) was born in Huating, Jiangsu Province, with the character of Xuanzai and the name of Sibai. In the seventeenth year of Wanli (1589 A.D.), he was a scholar of the Imperial Academy, and was the official minister of the Ministry of Rites. His posthumous title was Wen Min. Genius is meaningful, good at calligraphy and painting, rich in collection and fine appreciation. The magic of running regular script is called the unique generation. This is a copy of Xiao Song’s poem in Tang Dynasty, praising Zhang Shuo (from 667 to 733 AD Ο And the literary style of Jixian Academy in the Tang Dynasty. The regular script on this axis is thick and flexible, inheriting Yan Zhenqing (A.D. 7 Ο Nine? The spirit of regular script (785), but more emphasis on the change of writing style and the clear and bright spirit, can be called Dong Qichang’s self appearance of pursuing emptiness and rhyme in Yan style.

明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸

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