Bowl with four-seasons flowers decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign (1403-1424)

Bowl with four-seasons flowers decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign (1403-1424)

  • Image Number: K1B011729N000000000PAE
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    This kind of bowl with narrow mouth, deep straight wall and short circle feet is called “pier bowl”. A sharp corner pattern is painted on the inner edge of the bowl, one apple, one lychee and one loquat are painted on the inner wall, three peonies, crabapples and other flowers are decorated between them, and a crocus lotus is painted on the center of the bowl. The outside mouth is painted with ganoderma lucidum, the wall is painted with eight four season flowers, and the foot is painted with sharp horn patterns.

明 永樂 青花四季花卉紋墩子碗
图片[2]-Bowl with four-seasons flowers decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Yongle reign (1403-1424)-China Archive
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