Lamp with floral decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)

Lamp with floral decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)

  • Image Number: K1B015945N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Illuminator
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The upper part of the utensil is shaped like a pot, with a round mouth, a short neck, a round belly, and a long shin. The lower part of the utensil is connected with the lower part of the lower part of the lower part of the utensil. There is a thick pipe flow in the abdomen, the flow opening is flat, and then there is a long curved handle. The upper part is connected with a small eyelet, and the left and right sides of the abdomen are decorated with a whelk. The abdomen and tibia are painted with the same straw pattern for one week. Dots are added in the double lines of the mouth, the abdomen bottom, and the square on the folding edge of the plate base. The wall outside the plate is decorated with five curly grass patterns and green lines. The blue and white flowers are even and deep with gray, with brown yellow and iron brown iron embroidery spots in many places, and the white glaze is light and pan lake green. The fetal bone is slightly thick, and the feet are exposed. The texture is hard and delicate. “Made in Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty” is written in blue and white horizontally at the bottom of the mouth and above the mouth in regular script.

明 宣德窯 青花花卉紋燈
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