Master Cao’s Han-style “Shangfang” bronze mirror illustrated with immortals, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)

Master Cao’s Han-style “Shangfang” bronze mirror illustrated with immortals, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)

  • Image Number: C1A000297N000000000PBA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Bronzes
  • Function: Household appliance
  • Material: Mineral/Metal/Bronze
  • Description:
    Round mirror, hemispherical button, beaded button seat. The main pattern in the inner area is bounded by four persimmon shaped milk cubes. The two areas are filled with high relief immortals, with waiters on both sides. The other two areas are the two auspicious looking animals opposite each other. The inscription on the outer ring has 29 words in a week: “The Shang Dynasty made a mirror seal, and the day was as bright as the sun and the moon. On it was Qiao Chisongzi, the immortal son of the East King and the West Queen Mother.” At the end of the inscription, it belonged to the word “Cao”, which was a famous craftsman’s money. The outer ring of the inscription is decorated with three layers of fine lines, zigzag lines and cloud lines. Triangular bevel. In the Ming Dynasty, the commodity economy was prosperous, the casting mirror industry was developed, and the imitation of Han and Tang bronze mirrors was also popular. Among the imitation mirrors of Han Dynasty, those with inscriptions are the most popular. This mirror is one example. The full mirror shape and decorative theme are very similar to those of Han mirrors, but the decorative depiction is rigid and the details are vague. The words and sentences in the inscription are of Han style, but they are too simple and vague.

宋 曹氏仿漢 尚方鏡
图片[2]-Master Cao’s Han-style “Shangfang” bronze mirror illustrated with immortals, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)-China Archive
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