Seal Set, Attributed to Wen Pong, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)

Seal Set, Attributed to Wen Pong, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)

  • Image Number: K1D003503N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Miscellaneous objects
  • Function: Stationery, stationery, seal
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Qingtian Stone
  • Description:
    Eleven seals (hence 3497~hence 3507), originally contained in the red paint box, all belong to the Qingtian stone series, with different stone colors. The couplets are the full text of Zhou Dunyi’s “Love Lotus Theory” in different fonts. The border inscriptions have the same cursive script as the seal, and are also carved with “Shoucheng’s Seal”, “Wenpeng Antique”, “Sanqiao Learn Seal”, “Sanqiao Learn Seal”, “Wenpeng”, “Wenpeng Seal”, “Nine Years of Jiajing, Gengyin Age”, and the Spring King’s First Moon Looking at it, they were written in the Dongya Hall of the Xu Family. ” “Duke Yi of Zhou wrote the most, and the seal script of the Three Bridges is also called Gu Jian. He got the full set of this seal and stroked the moon. He did not know that the world was soft outside the door, so he helped write the notes.” “Liduna Tongguan”, “Secretary of Eshan”, “Gong Xian in half an mu”, “I can see the seal of Guangwen and stop hundreds of pieces. If I ask for the full text, there will be none. Now I can get this ten

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