Lidded jar with doucai polychrome decoration of flying horses, Ming dynasty, Chenghua reign, 1465-1487

Lidded jar with doucai polychrome decoration of flying horses, Ming dynasty, Chenghua reign, 1465-1487

  • Image Number: K1B010342N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    Pot, caulked mouth, short neck, shoulder, belly, foot, flat top cover. The pattern of the whole vessel is painted with underglaze blue and white, and colored materials are added to the glaze. The cover is painted with flying elephants in red color, with blue and white wavy patterns as the ground. There is a blue and white wavy pattern on the wall. On the shoulders and under the belly, there is a blue and white pattern filled with yellow banana leaves. On the belly, there are four flying horses, one red, one yellow and two green. The blue and green waves are flying, and blue and white Ruyi cloud patterns are decorated between them. The flat bottom is printed in blue and white with the word “Tian” in regular script.

明 成化 「天」字款 鬥彩波濤天馬蓋罐

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