Lamp with floral decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)

Lamp with floral decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)

  • Image Number: K1B015946N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Illuminator
  • Material: Minerals/Ceramics/
  • Description:
    The mouth is straight and the neck is short, the abdomen is flat and huge, there is a long flow in front, and the back is connected with a curved plate. The long shins are connected with the bearing plate, and the shins are hollow, and the feet are short. Dot patterns in the mouth and around the bottom of the abdomen. Feather leaf patterns and flowers are decorated on the abdomen and shin. Square dots are arranged on the edge of the plate mouth. Grass patterns are rolled on the outer wall. There is a rut on both sides of the abdomen. The horizontal script on the shoulder: “Made in Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty”, a line of six character regular script.

明 宣德  青花花卉燈
图片[2]-Lamp with floral decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)-China Archive
图片[3]-Lamp with floral decoration in underglaze blue, Ming dynasty, Xuande reign (1426-1435)-China Archive
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