Three Bodhisattvas

Three Bodhisattvas

  • Image Number: K2A001328N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Qiu Ying;仇英
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 39.8×27.2
  • Description:
    This scroll painting was once mounted in the Qing Palace, and the original paper in the blank above the rocks has been removed. There is Qiu Ying’s fake money on the painting, but judging from the face of the portrait, it should be Wu Bin’s style. There are three warriors in the painting. On the left are Manjusri and the green lion, and on the right are Samantabhadra and the white elephant. The person in the middle holds a scallop leaf and sits on an orange riding object. It should be Guanyin and gold;. The faces of the left and right Tuas are oval, which shows the shape of Wu Bin Buddha. The face of the person in the middle is not the original one after being modified. The three Goddess of Mercy are related to Huayan Thought, which has a long history. This painting shows Wu Bin’s characteristics, which can be said to be one of the achievements of Buddha’s figure images in the late Ming Dynasty.


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