Lofty Scholar Among Mountains and Streams

Lofty Scholar Among Mountains and Streams

  • Image Number: K2A001051N000000000PAE
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: 文徵明
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 27.9×129.1
  • Description:
    Wen Zhengming (1470-1559. His book is the first to learn from the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and later to learn from the Jin and Tang Dynasties The Eight Poems of Autumn Prosperity is the masterpiece of Du Fu (712-770) of Tang Dynasty. From touching the scene to sentimental, it has constantly aroused the resonance of literati for thousands of years. Calligraphers in the Ming Dynasty are good at writing this article. This painting is a masterpiece with meticulous characters, restrained and implicit brushwork, exposed spirit, bright wind, strong lines and no sense of laxity

明文徵明溪山高逸圖 卷
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