Old photos of Changsha, Hunan in 1911
This group of photos includes the old photos of Changsha, Hunan, in the book 'The Eighteen Provinces of China' in the late Qing Dynasty The Eighteen Provinces of China was publishe...
Old photos | Old photos of Yongzhou, Hunan, in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty
Old Photos | Old photos of Yongzhou, Hunan in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty William Middleot, Anglican missionary; William Banister, who had preached in many ...
Old photos of Hunan in the early 20th century
The old photos of Hunan in the early 20th century: Bannister&# 8203;&# 8203;&# 8203;&# 8203; At the end of the Qing Dynasty, William Banister preached in Fujian, Gu...
Old photos of Yongzhou, Hunan in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China taken by Bannister
Share a group of old photos of Yongzhou, Hunan, from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China, and look at the style and features of Yongzhou a hundred years ago. The p...
In 1933, the scenery and portrait of the ancient city of Phoenix in Hunan
In 1933, the scenery and portraits of Phoenix Ancient City in Hunan1933年,湖南凤凰古城的风光与人像
Old photos of the Hunan famine in 1946
Old photo | An old photo of Hunan during the Great Famine in 1946 The Southern Famine in 1946 and 1947: 17.5 million people died of hunger in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan alone in ...
Old photos of Hengyang, Changsha, Hunan in 1931
Old photos of Hunan in 19311931年 湖南老照片 祝融峰位于湖南省东部中间的南岳衡山。 橘子洲 橘子洲 贾谊故居始建于西汉文帝年间,为长沙王太傅贾谊的府邸。公元前177年至公元前174年,西汉著...
Old photos of the Battle in Changde, Hunan in 1943
Old photos taken from the Battle of Changde, Hunan in 19431943年 湖南常德会战实拍老照片 "常德会战后, 一个被俘的日本士兵在记者招待会上接受记者询问。1943年12月24日。。" 常...
Scenery of Changsha, Hunan Province under the rule of Xue Yue in 1942
The old picture of Changsha, Hunan, under the rule of Xue Yue in 1942, taken by Harrison· ForemanOn December 7, 1941, the Japanese navy raided Pearl Harbor in the United Sta...
In 1945, the national army received the real color old photos of Japanese army heads in Zhijiang, Hunan
In 1945, the national army in Zhijiang, Hunan, received the exposure of the real old color photos of Japanese army heads. These photos were taken by Joseph·, an American ...