1929 30 results 2页
banknote BM-1986-0554.28-China Archive

banknote BM-1986-0554.28

Period:Unknown Production date:1929 Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Height: 79 millimetres Width: 168 millimetres Description: Banknote. IMG Comments:
banknote BM-1979-1042.247-China Archive

banknote BM-1979-1042.247

Period:Unknown Production date:1929 Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Height: 79 millimetres Width: 166 millimetres Description: Banknote. IMG Comments:
banknote BM-1979-1042.246-China Archive

banknote BM-1979-1042.246

Period:Unknown Production date:1929 Materials:paper Technique:printed Dimensions:Height: 79 millimetres Width: 172 millimetres Description: Banknote. IMG Comments:
Old photos of Kunming, Yunnan in 1929-China Archive

Old photos of Kunming, Yunnan in 1929

The old photo of Kunming, Yunnan in 1929, photographed by Arnold· Heim1929年云南昆明老照片,摄影:阿诺尔德·海姆 圆通寺位于昆明市区内的圆通街,是昆明最古老的佛教寺院之...
Real shot of businessmen during the Republic of China in 1929-China Archive

Real shot of businessmen during the Republic of China in 1929

Old photos taken by businessmen during the Republic of China in 19291929年 民国期间的生意人实拍老照片 《尿泡幌子》商店招徕顾客门面上展示的标志,统称为“幌子”。是一种表明...
Old photos of Zigong Salt Cooking in Salt Capital of Sichuan in 1929-China Archive

Old photos of Zigong Salt Cooking in Salt Capital of Sichuan in 1929

In 1929, Zigong, the salt capital of Sichuan Province, took old photos of the scene of salt boiling. Photographer: Arnold· HaimuZigong is one of the 23 cities that were firs...
Old photos of Sichuan in 1929-China Archive

Old photos of Sichuan in 1929

Old photos of Sichuan in 1929, photographed by Arnold· Heim1929年 四川各地老照片,摄影:阿诺德·海姆 重庆朝天门,位于重庆市渝中区渝中半岛的嘉陵江与长江交汇处,是重庆以...
Old photos of Wuhu, Anhui in 1929-China Archive

Old photos of Wuhu, Anhui in 1929

The old photos of Wuhu, Anhui in 1929 show how pure and beautiful the girls of that era wereWuhu has enjoyed“ Jiangdong Mingyi&rdquo& ldquo; Famous Districts of Wu an...
Old photos of Qinhuangdao in 1929-China Archive

Old photos of Qinhuangdao in 1929

Old photos of Qinhuangdao in 19281928年的秦皇岛老照片 山海关。 山海关古称榆关、渝关、临渝关、临闾关。古渝关在抚宁县东二十里。北倚崇山,南临大海,相距不过数里,非常险要。 “天...
Old photos of Dalian in 1929 Landscape architecture and market style of Dalian 90 years ago-China Archive

Old photos of Dalian in 1929 Landscape architecture and market style of Dalian 90 years ago

Share a group of old photos of Dalian around 1929, so that we can have a glimpse of the streets and famous buildings of Dalian 90 years ago This group of photos is from Manchuria P...