Gu wine vessel with inscription “Ya fu yi chang mo”, late Shang dynasty, c. 13th-11th century BCE
Gu wine vessel with inscription“Ya fu yi chang mo ', late Shang dynamics, c. 13th-11th century BCEImage Number:C1A000099N000000000PACDynamics:Shang dynamicsCategory:BronzesFunctio...
Square zun wine vessel with round mouth, animal heads, and animal-mask pattern, late Shang dynasty, c. 13th-11th century BCE
Square zun wine vessel with round month, animal heads, and animal mask pattern, late Shang dynamics, c. 13th-11th center BCEImage Number:C1A000650N000000000PACDynasty:Shang dynamic...
X fu-ting square ting, late Shang period (c. 13th-11th BCE)
X fu ting square ting, late Shang period (c. 13th-11th BCE)Image Number:C1A000588N000000000PAC The caliber is 19.4 cm long and 15.6 cm wideFunction:ritual vessels, Food utensilsMat...
Ding cauldron dedicated to Father Yi, late Shang dynasty, c. 13th-11th century BCE
Ding cauldron dedicated to Father Yi, late Shang dynamics, c. 13th-11th century BCEImage Number:K1A002106N000000000PACDynasty:Shang dynamicsCategory:BronzesFunction:Gifts, food con...
Gui food container with animal-mask pattern, late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCE
Gui food container with animal-mask pattern,late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCEImage Number: span>Function:ritual vessels, Food utensilMaterial:mineral/metal/bronzeDes...
You wine vesel with inscription “Xie ce zhu”, late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCE
You win vest with description 'Xie ce ABCD', late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCEImage Number:C1A000108N000000000PABDynasty:Shang dynamityCategory:BronzesFunction:Gift vesse...
You wine vesel with inscription “Xie ce zhu”, late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCE
You win vest with description 'Xie ce ABCD', late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCEImage Number:C1A000108N000000000PAFDynasty:Shang dynamityCategory:BronzesFunction:Gift vesse...
Ding cauldron with animal-mask pattern. Late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCE
Ding cauldron with animal-mask pattern. Late Shang period, c. 13th 11th century BCEImage Number:C1A000547N000000000PADDynamic:Shang dynamicCategory:BronzesFunction:Ritual vessels, ...
Kuei with nipple decor, middle or late Anyang period (13-11th century B.C.)
Kuei with nipple decor, middle or late Anyang period(13-11th century B.C.) Image Number:K1A002174N000000000PADFood utensilsMaterial:mineral/metal/bronzeDescription:A straight be...
Pou wine vessel with animal-mask pattern, late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCE
Pou wine vessel with animal-mask pattern,late Shang period, C. 13th-11th century BCEImage Number:C1A000,684N000,000,000PABDynamics:Shang dynamicsCategory:BronzesArchival dimensio...