Shang dynasty 831 results
Chinese archives of events in the Shang dynasty.
Jia wine vessel of Xi Zi Sun, late Shang to early Western Zhou period (12th-10th century B.C.)-China Archive

Jia wine vessel of Xi Zi Sun, late Shang to early Western Zhou period (12th-10th century B.C.)

Jia wine vessel of Xi Zi Sun, late Shang to early Western Zhou period (12th to 10th century B.C.)Image Number:K1A001867N000000000PABDynasty:Shang dynamityCategory:BronzesArchitectu...
Li cooking vessel with animal-mask decoration, late Shang dynasty, c. 13th-12th BCE-China Archive

Li cooking vessel with animal-mask decoration, late Shang dynasty, c. 13th-12th BCE

Li cooking vessel with animal mask decoration, late Shang dynamics, c. 13th-12th BCEImage Number: Cm diameter 14.8cmFunction:ritual vessels, Food utensilMaterial:mineral/metal/bron...
Gu wine vessel with animal mask design, late Shang dynasty-China Archive

Gu wine vessel with animal mask design, late Shang dynasty

Gu wine vessel with animal mask design, late Shang dynamicsImage Number:K1A002108N000000000PAC 6.8 cm highFunction:Wine container, Ritual vesselsMaterial:mineral/metal/bronzeDescri...
Kuei with nipple decor, middle or late Anyang period (13-11th century B.C.)-China Archive

Kuei with nipple decor, middle or late Anyang period (13-11th century B.C.)

Kuei with nipple decor, middle or late Anyang period(13-11th century B.C.) Image Number:K1A002174N000000000PACFood utensilsMaterial:mineral/metal/bronzeDescription:A straight be...
Flat-foted ting with t'ao-t'ie decor, Er-li-kang Period (16th-14th century B.C.)-China Archive

Flat-foted ting with t’ao-t’ie decor, Er-li-kang Period (16th-14th century B.C.)

Flat noted ting with t'ao-t'ie decor, Er li kang Period (16th to 14th century B.C.)Image Number: The divider is 16.6cm high and 10.5cm deepFunction:, Ritual vesselMaterial:mineral/...
Jue wine vessel of Fu ding, Shang dynasty, c. 16th-11th century BCE-China Archive

Jue wine vessel of Fu ding, Shang dynasty, c. 16th-11th century BCE

Jue wine vessel of Fu ding, Shang dynamics, c. 16th-11th century BCEImage Number:C1A000057N000000000PADDynamics:Shang dynamicsCategory:BronzesArchitectural dimension:Height of thro...
Gui food container with inscription

Gui food container with inscription “Ya gao”, late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCE

Gui food container with description 'Ya Gao', late Shang period, c. 13th-11th century BCEImage Number:C1A000146N000000000PACDynasty:Shang dynamityCategory:BronzesFunction:, Food ut...
Ding cauldron of Fu Sang, late Shang period, c. 13th-12th century BCE-China Archive

Ding cauldron of Fu Sang, late Shang period, c. 13th-12th century BCE

Ding cauldron of Fu Sang, late Shang period, c. 13th to 12th century BCEImage Number::Mineral/metal/bronzeDescription:Slightly closed mouth, flat folded edge, upright ear, Drum abd...
Hu jar with tubular handles and animal mask design, late Shang period, c. 13th-12th century BCE-China Archive

Hu jar with tubular handles and animal mask design, late Shang period, c. 13th-12th century BCE

Hu jar with tubular handles and animal mask design, late Shang period, c. 13th to 12th century BCEImage Number:K1A001854N000000000PADDynasty:Shang dynamicsCategory:BronzesFunction:...
You wine vessel of Qi Fu with Ya Chou emblem, late Shang dynasty, c. 12th-11th century BCE-China Archive

You wine vessel of Qi Fu with Ya Chou emblem, late Shang dynasty, c. 12th-11th century BCE

You wine vessel of Qi Fu with Ya Chou em, late Shang dynamics, c. 12th-11th century BCEImage Number:K1A002,212N000,000,000PABdynasty:Shang dynamicsCategory:BronzesFunction:wine, Th...