Qing dynasty 22373 results
What was China like during the Qing Dynasty?
[Qing Dynasty] British female painter—Elizabeth Keith, using woodblock prints to record China from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China—1915-China Archive
Zhang Bolin's Chinese Photography Collection in 1909 (18) A Journey to Santai and Zhongjiang, Sichuan-China Archive

Zhang Bolin’s Chinese Photography Collection in 1909 (18) A Journey to Santai and Zhongjiang, Sichuan

On January 4, 1909, an American geologist, Zhang Bolin, and his son, Luo Lin, set out from Chicago and arrived in Shanghai on February 2 of the same year. During his stay in China,...
Golden Chalice of Eternal Stability. Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty-China Archive

Golden Chalice of Eternal Stability. Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty

Golden Chalice of Eternal Stability. Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty Image Number: K1D005490N000000000PACDynasty: Qing dynastyCategory: Miscellaneous objectsFunction: Drin...
Bamboo hu vessel with an antiquarian corded pattern. 18th century, Qing dynasty.-China Archive

Bamboo hu vessel with an antiquarian corded pattern. 18th century, Qing dynasty.

Bamboo hu vessel with an antiquarian corded pattern. 18th century, Qing dynasty. Image Number: K1G000093N000000000PADDynasty: Qing dynastyCategory: CarvingsFunction: furnishingsMat...
Painted sculptures and portraits of cherishing spring-China Archive

Painted sculptures and portraits of cherishing spring

[Painted sculpture cherishing spring portrait]Painted sculpture cherishing spring portrait, clear, 36.5cm highThis colorful clay sculpture group is the work of Zhang Changlin, the ...
Old photos of the Qing Palace: imperial guards in the late Qing Dynasty-China Archive

Old photos of the Qing Palace: imperial guards in the late Qing Dynasty

Old photos of the Qing Palace: imperial guards in the late Qing Dynasty清宫老照片:晚清的大内侍卫 图为演练弓术的大内侍卫。大内侍卫是个十分神秘的职业。影视剧中,这批人经常身穿黄马褂...
Old photos of Guangzhou, Guangdong in the 1900s-China Archive

Old photos of Guangzhou, Guangdong in the 1900s

Share a group of old photos of Guangzhou, Guangdong from 1900 to 2010. The photographer is waiting for the exam. Source: Google photoIn the 1910s, the Qing Dynasty has gone downhil...
Old photos of Beijing taken by Zhang Bolin in 1909 (II)-China Archive

Old photos of Beijing taken by Zhang Bolin in 1909 (II)

After the Opium War, the ancient gate of China was opened by the western ships. The western industrial civilization world is full of mystery and yearning for the ancient oriental c...
Hanging vase with handles and Indian lotus scrolls in gold tracing on cobalt blue glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)-China Archive

Hanging vase with handles and Indian lotus scrolls in gold tracing on cobalt blue glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795)

Hanging vase with handles and Indian lotus scrolls in gold tracing on cobalt blue glaze, Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign (1736-1795) Image Number: C1B000622N000000000PABDynasty: Qing ...
Family photo of one husband, one wife and many concubines in the Qing Dynasty-China Archive

Family photo of one husband, one wife and many concubines in the Qing Dynasty

Old Photos of a Family of One Husband, One Wife and Many Concubines in the Qing Dynasty清朝一夫一妻多妾家庭老照片