Jade Tri-Ring symbolizing heaven, earth, and human, Ming dynasty

Jade Tri-Ring symbolizing heaven, earth, and human, Ming dynasty

  • Image Number: K1C001246N000000000PAG
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Jades
  • Function: Clothing and accessories
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Jade
  • Description:
    Among the jade objects of the Ming Dynasty in the courtyard, the most noteworthy one is the “three linked jade”. China has long had the idea that all kinds of natural phenomena between heaven and earth are the basis and criterion of human life; The world is the epitome of the universe, so the so-called “three talents” of heaven, earth and people are one. The Book of Changes: “The Book of Changes is a book, which is widely known. There are ways of heaven, ways of humanity, ways of the earth, and three talents and two of them. Therefore, six or six of them are not others, and the way of the three talents is also.” It is the embodiment of this concept that the three links of sapphire with brown yellow spots are made. Its shape looks like a round wall when it is paved, and it is divided into three rings from the inside out: the patterns of the inner ring are the sun, stars and clouds, symbolizing heaven; The central ring is carved with dragon patterns, representing the emperors on earth; The outer ring is the image of the four sided mountains and waves, symbolizing the earth. The most special point is

明 玉「天地人」三連環
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