Looking for Autumn at Nanyue

Looking for Autumn at Nanyue

  • Image Number: K2E000234N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Fans
  • Author: 周臣
  • Form: 成扇
  • Exhibition dimension: 16.4×48
  • Description:
    Painting Qiushan Mountainous Riders, overlapping Danfeng Mountain, one person riding a ox cart at the foot of the mountain, and one person bearing the burden, the composition and layout are tight and orderly. The stone is carved with a fine axe, and the pine needles and maple leaves are vivid and interesting. The characters and ox carts are incisively carved. In the second year of Zhengde (1507), Tang Yin, 38 years old, built a Peach Blossom Nunnery under the north city of the Changmen Gate of Suzhou. Inside the Nunnery, there were “Nursery Hall and Dream Ink Pavilion”. This picture shows that Tang Yin, 38 years old, wrote about the Nursery Hall in Suzhou.

明周臣畫南嶽尋秋 成扇

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