“Thousand-character Essay” in Four Scripts

“Thousand-character Essay” in Four Scripts

  • Image Number: K2B000104N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: 文徵明
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: (1)27.9×53、(2)27.9×52.8、(3)27.9×52.5、(4)27×52.8
  • Description:
    Wen Zhengming (1470-1559) was born in Changzhou (now Suzhou). At the beginning, it was named Wall, and after 42 years old, it was written in Chinese characters, and the characters were changed to Zhengzhong. Because of his ancestral home in Hunan, he was named a hermit of Hengshan Mountain. This volume was first written in Jiajing Yiwei (1535), which took many years to complete. According to his student Zhou Tianqiu, when he was young, he used to write 1000 character essays as a daily lesson, so there were many works of 1000 character essays. The whole volume is written in four styles: regular script, cursive script, clerical script and seal script. The regular script and cursive script are elegant, rigorous and proficient. As for the clerical script and seal script, they are more regular script, sharp and strong, reflecting the style of the time.

明文徵明四體千文 卷
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