Jade Ewer with “longevity” character and floral pattern, mid to late Ming dynasty, 1436-1644

Jade Ewer with “longevity” character and floral pattern, mid to late Ming dynasty, 1436-1644

  • Image Number: K1C002066N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Jades
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Minerals/Jade Jewelry/Jade
  • Description:
    The white jade pot is yellow in color and has grains. The whole body has grey spots and ochre spots. The body of the pot is hexagonal, with a lid, a neck, a flat bottom, and a tubular flow and handle. The neck is raised like a plate, on which the character of longevity is carved. The body of the pot is embossed with lotus flowers, and the lower part of the abdomen is decorated with lotus petal patterns.

明中晚期  玉「壽」字花卉紋執壺
图片[2]-Jade Ewer with “longevity” character and floral pattern, mid to late Ming dynasty, 1436-1644-China Archive
图片[3]-Jade Ewer with “longevity” character and floral pattern, mid to late Ming dynasty, 1436-1644-China Archive
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