Dish with unederglaze-blue decoration of court ladies in a garden setting, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty

Dish with unederglaze-blue decoration of court ladies in a garden setting, Hsuan-te reign (1426-1435), Ming dynasty

  • Image Number: K1B003122N000000000PAD
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Container
  • Material: Mineral/ceramic/porcelain
  • Description:
    A round mouth, a shallow arc wall, and a short circle of feet. The center is painted with pine, bamboo and plum trees, and decorated with lake stones, orchids and ganoderma lucidum, with two green lines around. The ornamentation on the outer wall depicts the peonies and palms on the rocks of the garden lake. The eight ladies are in a group of two. The trends of the four groups of ladies are as follows: one lady looks back at the water dish cleaner held by the maid; A lady sat watching the moon, and a maid stood behind her fan; A lady picked flowers to enjoy the garden scenery, while a maid held a vase of flowers to follow; Another lady guides the maid to water the flowers. Add eight green lines between the mouth and foot. The blue and white glaze is grey green, with thick transparent glaze layer, slight rust spots, and white glaze is green. The glaze surface is densely covered with small bubbles, and there are sparse linear open patterns. The fetal bone is slightly thick and heavy, the bottom is slightly convex, and the quality is firm and delicate. The blue and white book “Xuande Year of the Ming Dynasty” on the bottom of the plate is in regular script with two lines and six characters, plus double circles. This kind of painting of beautiful ladies in the garden, a tool to promote virtue

明 宣德 青花庭園仕女圖盤

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