wine-pot BM-PDF-A.427

Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1403-1424
Technique:glazed, incised,

Dimensions:Height: 124 millimetres Width: 120 millimetres Depth: 85 millimetres

Porcelain wine pot, with chain attaching the cover to the pot. The wine-pot has a white body and grey-toned glaze. There is a cloud collar incised on the cover, a classic scroll on the spout, and lotus scroll on the body.
图片[1]-wine-pot BM-PDF-A.427-China Archive 图片[2]-wine-pot BM-PDF-A.427-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Ming Yongle 1403-1424 Room 95 label text:PDF A427 Wine pot and cover with tianbai glazeWhite is the colour of mourning in China. The Yongle emperor ordered many white porcelain vessels from Jingdezhen with a 甜白tianbai (sweet white) glaze. These were intended for Buddhist ceremonies to mourn his father, the late Hongwu emperor and the late emperor’s wife. By holding such ceremonies, the Yongle emperor reinforced his legitimacy to reign. He personally attended these services to offer incense. Tianbai porcelains have a lustrous quality simply not achieved before or after the Yongle period. Ceramicists have discovered that tianbai wares have a far higher proportion of kaolin in the clay than earlier white wares and a reduced amount of limestone in the glaze, so that potters were able to fire them at a higher temperature. Porcelain with transparent (tianbai ) glazeJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Yongle period, AD 1403–24 PDF A427甜白釉酒壺中國喪葬用白色。永樂皇帝命景德鎮燒造了大量甜白釉瓷器,這些器物在祭奠其父洪武皇帝及皇后的佛教儀式上使用。通過這些儀式,永樂皇帝也強化了其取得皇位的合法性。他親自參加儀式並奉香。永樂時期甜白瓷器瑩潤的釉質可謂空前絕後。陶瓷學家們發現甜白器物胎土中高嶺土的比例遠高於早期白釉器物,同時減少了釉料中石灰的使用,因此能夠承受更高的窯溫。瓷器,透明(甜白)釉江西省景德鎮明代,永樂,1403-1424年
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