wine-cup BM-PDF.876

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:18thC(early)
Technique:glazed, painted,
Dimensions:Diameter: 69 millimetres Height: 30 millimetres

Porcelain wine-cup with straight sides and narrow foot-rim. There is an official on a horse looking over his shoulder as he rides away from a gnarled leafless tree in transparent ‘famille verte’ palette enamel on the exterior.
图片[1]-wine-cup BM-PDF.876-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing early 18thC Room 95 label text: PDF 876Wine cup with a landscape scene and figureThis elegant porcelain wine cup with flaring sides and narrow foot-rim is painted with a scene of an official on horseback. He cracks his whip on the horse’s flank and gathers up the reigns as he gallops away. The wine cup is finely painted in the ‘famille verte’ palette. Details such as the yellow used for the man’s gold belt and red for the tassled ornaments bedecking the horse are particularly effective. The outlines are drawn in black and in red enamels. There is an apocryphal, six-character Chenghua mark in a double circle in underglaze blue on the base. Such marks were used as a reference to the fine quality enamel wares made in earlier during the reign of the Ming emperor Chenghua (ruled 1464–1487).Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue and in overglaze enamels Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, about AD 1700–1750 PDF 876李白山水圖酒杯此酒杯所繪人物被認為是著名的唐代詩人李白(701-762年)及其侍從。器底雙圈內署青花六字成化偽託年款。瓷器,青花,釉上彩江西省景德鎮清代,約1700-1750年
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