water-vessel BM-PDF-A.80

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1884

Dimensions:Height: 33 millimetres Width: 75 millimetres Depth: 74 millimetres

Yixing or Guangdong stoneware water-vessel of pyramidal shape, with carved wooden stand. The water-vessel has a dark body and opaque grey glaze which appears yellowish where thin. The base is glazed and the foot rim unglazed. There is an owner’s inscription on the stand.
图片[1]-water-vessel BM-PDF-A.80-China Archive 图片[2]-water-vessel BM-PDF-A.80-China Archive 图片[3]-water-vessel BM-PDF-A.80-China Archive 图片[4]-water-vessel BM-PDF-A.80-China Archive 图片[5]-water-vessel BM-PDF-A.80-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing 18th-19thC Room 95 label text:PDF A80Water vessel with guan-type glaze and inscriptionThis unusual vessel is covered with a guan-type glaze. It stands on a wood stand with an inscription which reads 光緒十年甲申五月,水斗得扵吾桐方恪敏公觀承家其裔官蜀中也。紫口鉄足粉青蟹爪鳳凰山麓宋官窯造閱八百年文房至寶。燮生葉毓榮銘並記。[In the fifth month of Jiashen year, tenth year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1884). The water pot was obtained in my friend the revered Fang Keming’s (also called Fang Guancheng) house. His descendent took an official post in Sichuan. “Purple mouth and iron foot celadon crab claw” was made at the foot of Fenghuangshan in the Song imperial kiln. This pot has existed for eight hundred years. An extremely rare treasure in a scholar’s studio. Composed and recorded by Ye Yurong (also called Xiesheng).]Porcelain with celadon glaze Shiwan (pronounced Shekwan in Cantonese) ware石灣窯 or Yixing ware宜興窯Foshan, Nanhai county, Guangdong province, 廣東省, 南海縣, 佛山 or Yixing, Jiangsu province 江蘇省, 宜興縣Qing dynasty, about AD 1800–1884 Translated by Kaijun Chen, Dec. 12th 2011. PDF A80仿官釉銘文水丞此器施仿官釉,頗為少見。木座上有銘文:光緒十年甲申五月,水斗得於吾桐方恪敏公觀承家,其裔官蜀中也。紫口鉄足粉青蟹爪鳳凰山麓宋官窯造閱八百年文房至寶。燮生葉毓榮銘並記。大意是:光緒十年,甲申年(1884年)五月,此水丞從我朋友尊敬的方恪敏(也叫做方觀承)宅得到,他的子孫在四川為官。此器“紫口鐵足”,燒造於鳳凰山的南宋官窯,已有八百年的歷史了,可謂文房用器中一件極為難得的珍寶。葉毓榮(別號燮生)寫就並記錄。瓷器,青釉石灣窰或宜興窰廣東省南海縣佛山(今佛山市南海區),或江蘇省宜興縣(今宜興市)清代,約1800-1884年
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