Period:Unknown Production date:1900-1930
Dimensions:Height: 60 millimetres
Glass water-pot of ovoid shape with flat base and narrow neck. The water-pot is milk white opaque glass. There is a twisted pine tree, a deer, a crane standing on a rock, peonies and the ‘lingzhi’ plant in mixed enamels on the exterior.
![图片[1]-water-pot BM-PDF.853-China Archive](
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Qianlong 1736-95 Room 95 label text:PDF 853Water pot with emblems of longevityJesuit missionaries residing within the Forbidden City brought with them Western technologies such as enamelling glass in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This water pot is painted with emblems of longevity including a pine tree, deer and a crane. It has an apocryphal four-character Qianlong mark incised within a double square and filled in with blue green enamel on the base.Enamelled glassBeijing 北京late Qing dynasty or Republican period, about AD 1900-1930 PDF 853 壽意圖水丞十七世紀晚期至十八世紀,紫禁城內的耶穌會傳教士,帶來了西方的技術,如玻璃畫琺瑯。此水丞繪製象徵長壽的圖案,包括松樹、鹿及仙鶴。器底雙方框內刻四字乾隆年制偽託年款,填藍綠色彩料。玻璃畫琺瑯北京晚清或民國,約1900-1930年
Dimensions:Height: 60 millimetres
Glass water-pot of ovoid shape with flat base and narrow neck. The water-pot is milk white opaque glass. There is a twisted pine tree, a deer, a crane standing on a rock, peonies and the ‘lingzhi’ plant in mixed enamels on the exterior.
![图片[1]-water-pot BM-PDF.853-China Archive](
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Qianlong 1736-95 Room 95 label text:PDF 853Water pot with emblems of longevityJesuit missionaries residing within the Forbidden City brought with them Western technologies such as enamelling glass in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This water pot is painted with emblems of longevity including a pine tree, deer and a crane. It has an apocryphal four-character Qianlong mark incised within a double square and filled in with blue green enamel on the base.Enamelled glassBeijing 北京late Qing dynasty or Republican period, about AD 1900-1930 PDF 853 壽意圖水丞十七世紀晚期至十八世紀,紫禁城內的耶穌會傳教士,帶來了西方的技術,如玻璃畫琺瑯。此水丞繪製象徵長壽的圖案,包括松樹、鹿及仙鶴。器底雙方框內刻四字乾隆年制偽託年款,填藍綠色彩料。玻璃畫琺瑯北京晚清或民國,約1900-1930年
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