vase BM-PDF.816

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1736-1795
Technique:glazed, painted,

Dimensions:Height: 374 millimetres

Porcelain vase of baluster form, hexagonal in section, with two tubular handles. The vase has a fine white body with ‘orange peel’ undulating surface. There is bamboo and a poetic inscription on the exterior.
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Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Qianlong 1736-1795 Room 95 label text:PDF 816Vase painted with bamboo This unusual vase, modelled on an ancient bronze form, is covered with a celadon glaze. On the front is a fourteen character inscription with three seals reading半月(Banyue ‘half moon’); 翰 (han ‘brush’) and 墨 (mo ‘ink’). Another seal reads乾坤一草亭 (Qian kun yi caoting’ (‘Heaven and Earth are but a single thatched pavilion’). The seals are believed to be those of Tang Ying. Tang Ying (AD 1681–1756), appointed resident supervisor of the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen in AD 1728, describes production of high-fired grey-green iron glazes made in imitation of Ru, guan and ge celadons at Jingdezhen in his 陶成紀事 (Taocheng jishi, ‘Records of Ceramic Production’). The inscription has been translated: ‘The gentle breeze blows cool below the Grove of the Seven Worthies, The pale moon seems wintry as it shines over the Stream of the Six Talents.’Porcelain with overglaze enamelsJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Qianlong period, AD 1736–1795 PDF 816竹紋瓶此瓶不同尋常,造型仿遠古青銅器形,施青釉。正面書十四字詩文,附三方印文“半月” “翰”及“墨”,另有一方印文為“乾坤一草亭”(意為天地似一茅草亭)。這些印被認為唐英之印。1728年,唐英(1681-1756年)被任命為督陶官赴景德鎮監督瓷器燒造,其在《陶成紀事》中描述了用高溫鐵質青灰釉對汝窯、官窯及哥窯青釉的仿燒工作。詩文可英譯為:“微風為七賢林送来清涼,黯月照耀六逸溪更显寂冷。”瓷器,釉上彩江西省景德鎮清代,乾隆,1736-1795年
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