Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1368-1644
Dimensions:Diameter: 46 millimetres (base) Diameter: 72 millimetres Height: 124 millimetres Width: 27 millimetres (mouth) Depth: 23 millimetres (mouth)
Guan-type stoneware ‘arrow’ vase with globular body and tall neck, and two tubular lug handles at the mouth. The vase has opaque grey glaze with even black-stained crackle.
![图片[3]-vase BM-PDF.31-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00821265_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Yuan 14th century Room 95 label text:PDF 31Arrow vase with guan glazeIt is modelled on the shape of an antique ‘arrow pot’, a vessel with short tubes either side of the narrow neck. In earlier dynasties, people played a drinking game of pitching arrows into the tubes and neck of larger bronze and ceramic pots of this shape.Stoneware with crackled celadon glazeGuan ware 官窯Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 浙江省,杭州市Ming dynasty, AD 1368–1644 PDF31官釉貫耳瓶此壺造型源於古代投壺,投壺兩側有貫耳,頸部細長。投壺遊戲是古代的一種宴飲遊戲,衆人需要將箭投入器形較大的青銅或陶瓷材質的投壺中。炻器,青釉開片官窯浙江省杭州市明代,1368-1644年 PDF A31青釉杯托陶工們在炻器杯托(盞托)的器身和外底都使用了白色的化妝土。分兩層施釉。杯托與碗或杯配套。較晚的杯托內出現了環形凸起用於承托。此器為正燒法燒製。炻器,化妝土,藍綠開片釉河南或陝西省北宋晚期或金,約1050-1200年
Dimensions:Diameter: 46 millimetres (base) Diameter: 72 millimetres Height: 124 millimetres Width: 27 millimetres (mouth) Depth: 23 millimetres (mouth)
Guan-type stoneware ‘arrow’ vase with globular body and tall neck, and two tubular lug handles at the mouth. The vase has opaque grey glaze with even black-stained crackle.
![图片[1]-vase BM-PDF.31-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00280450_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-vase BM-PDF.31-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00365683_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-vase BM-PDF.31-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00821265_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Yuan 14th century Room 95 label text:PDF 31Arrow vase with guan glazeIt is modelled on the shape of an antique ‘arrow pot’, a vessel with short tubes either side of the narrow neck. In earlier dynasties, people played a drinking game of pitching arrows into the tubes and neck of larger bronze and ceramic pots of this shape.Stoneware with crackled celadon glazeGuan ware 官窯Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 浙江省,杭州市Ming dynasty, AD 1368–1644 PDF31官釉貫耳瓶此壺造型源於古代投壺,投壺兩側有貫耳,頸部細長。投壺遊戲是古代的一種宴飲遊戲,衆人需要將箭投入器形較大的青銅或陶瓷材質的投壺中。炻器,青釉開片官窯浙江省杭州市明代,1368-1644年 PDF A31青釉杯托陶工們在炻器杯托(盞托)的器身和外底都使用了白色的化妝土。分兩層施釉。杯托與碗或杯配套。較晚的杯托內出現了環形凸起用於承托。此器為正燒法燒製。炻器,化妝土,藍綠開片釉河南或陝西省北宋晚期或金,約1050-1200年
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