Sixteen-armed Kuan-yin

Sixteen-armed Kuan-yin

  • Image Number: K2A002041N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: 張渥
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 91×43.5
  • Description:
    This is a line drawing of an animal that looks like a dog and a unicorn Coming by the cloud, the sixteen armed Avalokitesvara with solemn Faxiang sat on the lotus platform. The whole painting is extremely fine. The figure outline and garment pattern are all drawn with smooth fine lines. The texture of hair and lotus braids is also described in detail. The patterns on the clothes and brocade pads are also meticulously drawn. In the lower right corner of the painting, there is a title of Zhang Wo (active in the middle of the 14th century). However, compared with Zhang Wo’s original work “Nine Songs”, it is found that the lines of the clothes of this portrait lack natural and elegant charm, which should not be written by Zhang Wo himself.

元張渥畫十六臂大士像 軸

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