vase BM-PDF.579

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1662-1722
Technique:glazed, underglazed,

Dimensions:Height: 210 millimetres

Porcelain vase of ovoid form with long slender neck and flaring mouth. The vase has soft pink glaze derived from copper, mottled darker pink and moss green in some places. There is a moulded chrysanthemum petal band round the bottom. There is a mark in underglaze blue on the base.
图片[1]-vase BM-PDF.579-China Archive 图片[2]-vase BM-PDF.579-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Kangxi 1662-1722 Room 95 label text:PDF 579 Vase with ‘peach-bloom’ glazeThe identities of the skilled craftsmen who finely potted this vase with its slender neck and trumpet mouth, then carved a band of chrysanthemum petals around the foot, are unknown. This innovative glaze was technically challenging. Potters covered the vase with a layer of clear glaze, followed by a layer of copper-rich pigment, possibly blown on, and added further layers of clear glaze on top. When fired in a reducing atmosphere, this sandwiched colour developed into soft mottled red and pink with flecks of moss-green. Western writers describe this glaze as ‘peach bloom’, likening its soft dappled tones to the greenish-yellow, pink and red skin of a peach, but Chinese connoisseurs call it 豇豆红 (jiangdou hong ‘ cowpea-red‘). It was applied to a limited number of forms, mostly small vases and writing utensils and was only used for a short period in the Kangxi reign.Porcelain with copper-red glaze and underglaze cobalt-blue markJingdezhen, Jiangxi province江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Kangxi mark and period, AD 1662–1704 PDF 579豇豆紅釉瓶此瓶細頸、喇叭口、環繞器足刻劃一周菊瓣紋,能製作如此優美器形的嫺熟工匠身份,已無從得知。這種創新的釉色在技術上具備挑戰性。陶工首先施一層透明釉,而後施一層富含銅元素、或許為吹釉法所上的釉,然后在上邊再施透明釉。在還原焰燒造過程中,夾在中間的釉層形成一種柔軟的、紅色與粉紅色斑駁交雜的釉色,其上還有綠色苔點。西方學者將這種釉色稱為“桃花片”,因其柔軟且駁雜的色調,青黃、粉及紅色的組合使人聯想到桃,但中國的鑒賞家們稱其為“豇豆紅”。此種釉色製作的器皿樣式有限,多為小瓶和文房書寫用器,且只在康熙朝短時期內有所使用。瓷器,銅紅釉,青花款江西省景德鎮清代,康熙,康熙款,1662-1704年
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