Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1454
Dimensions:Height: 690 millimetres
Longquan porcelain vase with long neck, flared mouth and everted rim. The vase has grey-green glaze. There are concentric rings around the neck above overlapping leaves, lotus and peony scroll bands around the body, and overlapping lotus petals around the lower part. There is an inscription on the neck.
![图片[3]-vase BM-PDF.238-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_RRC38655.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text:PDF 238 Large dated temple vase On one side of the neck is a dated dedication in a panel with a lotus leaf above and a lotus flower below. It reads 景泰伍年福里鎮安社信人楊宗信喜捨恭入本寺供養□自身延壽者(Jingtai wunian Fuli Zhen’an she xinren Yang Zongxin xishe gongru bensi gongyang □ zishen yanshou zhe ‘In the fifth year of the Jingtai period [ AD 1454], the believer Yang Zongxin of the village of Zhen’an in the district of Fuli has respectfully offered this (vase) to the local temple to be placed before the Buddha, with a prayer for long life.’)Stoneware, porcelain-type, incised, carved and with celadon glaze Longquan ware龍泉窯Longquan region, Zhejiang province 浙江省,龍泉地區Ming dynasty, dated around AD1454 PDF 238青釉紀年大供瓶此瓶頸部一側開光內刻祭文,以蓮花及蓮葉紋裝飾開光。銘文為:“景泰伍年,福里鎮安社信人楊宗信喜捨,恭入本寺供養,□自身延壽者。”意為:在景泰五年(1454年),福里鎮安社信徒楊宗信將此瓶進奉於寺廟,祈求長壽。炻器,属廣義瓷器,刻劃花,青釉龍泉窯浙江省龍泉地區明代,紀年為1454年
Dimensions:Height: 690 millimetres
Longquan porcelain vase with long neck, flared mouth and everted rim. The vase has grey-green glaze. There are concentric rings around the neck above overlapping leaves, lotus and peony scroll bands around the body, and overlapping lotus petals around the lower part. There is an inscription on the neck.
![图片[1]-vase BM-PDF.238-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00569898_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-vase BM-PDF.238-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00569904_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-vase BM-PDF.238-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_RRC38655.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text:PDF 238 Large dated temple vase On one side of the neck is a dated dedication in a panel with a lotus leaf above and a lotus flower below. It reads 景泰伍年福里鎮安社信人楊宗信喜捨恭入本寺供養□自身延壽者(Jingtai wunian Fuli Zhen’an she xinren Yang Zongxin xishe gongru bensi gongyang □ zishen yanshou zhe ‘In the fifth year of the Jingtai period [ AD 1454], the believer Yang Zongxin of the village of Zhen’an in the district of Fuli has respectfully offered this (vase) to the local temple to be placed before the Buddha, with a prayer for long life.’)Stoneware, porcelain-type, incised, carved and with celadon glaze Longquan ware龍泉窯Longquan region, Zhejiang province 浙江省,龍泉地區Ming dynasty, dated around AD1454 PDF 238青釉紀年大供瓶此瓶頸部一側開光內刻祭文,以蓮花及蓮葉紋裝飾開光。銘文為:“景泰伍年,福里鎮安社信人楊宗信喜捨,恭入本寺供養,□自身延壽者。”意為:在景泰五年(1454年),福里鎮安社信徒楊宗信將此瓶進奉於寺廟,祈求長壽。炻器,属廣義瓷器,刻劃花,青釉龍泉窯浙江省龍泉地區明代,紀年為1454年
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