vase BM-PDF.823

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1723-1735
Technique:carved, glazed, painted,
Dimensions:Height: 365 millimetres

Bottle-shaped vase with globular body and tall cylindrical neck. The vase has a fine white body. There is a landscape scene of a mounted official looking over his shoulder as he gallops away on his horse in low relief and ‘famille verte’ palette enamel on the exterior.
图片[1]-vase BM-PDF.823-China Archive 图片[2]-vase BM-PDF.823-China Archive 图片[3]-vase BM-PDF.823-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Yongzheng 1723-1735 Room 95 label text:PDF 823Enamelled vase with horseman This vase shows a scholar-official on horseback, accompanied by his servant carrying a 古琴 (guqin ‘zither’) wrapped in a flower-patterned cloth. The rider holds his crop in the air, pointing to a pair of flying birds that emerge from intertwined prunus and magnolia trees. The scene may be an illustration of the Tang poet Meng Jiao’s 孟郊(AD 751–814) lines from his poem ‘On Passing the Imperial Examinations’: “On my cantering horse in the spring breeze, my eyes joyfully devoured all the blossoms in the capital Chang’an in a single day.” Potters carved the design in low relief to make it more dramatic and added enamel colours over the glaze, using green wash shading to add volume and tiny black dots to suggest texture. This translucent watercolour-like palette, characterised by shades of green, black, red and yellow, and the relief carving style are rare in the period of the Yongzheng emperor but were highly popular in his father, Kangxi’s reign (AD1662–1722). Porcelain with relief carving and overglaze enamelsJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, Yongzheng mark and period, AD1723–35 PDF 823彩繪騎馬人圖瓶瓶身描繪了一位騎在馬上的士大夫,其侍從攜古琴,古琴以花布包裹。騎者持鞭指向空中一對飛鳥,飛鳥自交纏的杏樹及木蘭樹中飛出。這一場景源于唐代詩人孟郊(751-814年)《登科後》中的詩文“春風得意馬蹄疾,一日看盡長安花”。陶工們以淺浮雕技法突出紋飾的戲劇性,同時使用釉上彩,以綠彩渲染增加空間感,並以細小黑點表現紋理。这种水彩般的透明釉彩,如色階分明的綠彩、黑彩、紅彩及黃彩,以及淺浮雕技法,在雍正時期罕見,但在其父親康熙朝(1662-1722年)卻非常流行。瓷器,浮雕,釉上彩江西省景德鎮清代,雍正,雍正款,1723-1735年
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