Period:Qing dynasty Production date:19thC
Dimensions:Diameter: 72 millimetres Height: 150 millimetres
Porcelain vase with two handles fitted with rings. The vase has a white body. There is a carved band of key-fret around waist. Pair with A401.
![图片[2]-vase BM-PDF-A.400-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00841941_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text: PDF A400Vase with ring handles and band of key fret patternDehua wares of the period AD 1600–1911 are typified by a granular sugary white body and either a blue tinged or creamy white glaze. The pure whiteness of these ceramics is due to the relative absence of iron impurities in the body – indeed the clay used contains only half a percent of ferric oxide. Body and glaze fuse perfectly in the firing. Plain white porcelains from the Dehua kilns in Fujian, south-eastern China are known in the West by the 19th-century French connoisseurs’ term Blanc de Chine. This example has an apocryphal Xuande mark on the base.Porcelain with carved decoration and transparent glazeDehua ware 德化窯Dehua, Fujian province 德化, 福建省Qing dynasty, about AD 1800–1900 PDF A400环耳回纹瓶1600–1911年間的德化窰瓷器,特徵為胎體潔白有粉沙感,釉色閃青或呈乳白色。瓷胎中的鐵雜質極少,使得器物呈色白淨,事實上德化窯所使用胎土中的氧化鐵含量僅有0.5%。胎釉在窯火中完美地熔融結合在一起。中國東南部福建德化窯生產的素白瓷,以十九世紀法國鑒賞家所用的“中國白”一詞而聞名西方。此器外底署宣德寄託年款。瓷器,刻劃花,透明釉德化窯福建省德化清代,約1800-1900年
Dimensions:Diameter: 72 millimetres Height: 150 millimetres
Porcelain vase with two handles fitted with rings. The vase has a white body. There is a carved band of key-fret around waist. Pair with A401.
![图片[1]-vase BM-PDF-A.400-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00385209_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-vase BM-PDF-A.400-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00841941_001.jpg)
Comments:Room 95 label text: PDF A400Vase with ring handles and band of key fret patternDehua wares of the period AD 1600–1911 are typified by a granular sugary white body and either a blue tinged or creamy white glaze. The pure whiteness of these ceramics is due to the relative absence of iron impurities in the body – indeed the clay used contains only half a percent of ferric oxide. Body and glaze fuse perfectly in the firing. Plain white porcelains from the Dehua kilns in Fujian, south-eastern China are known in the West by the 19th-century French connoisseurs’ term Blanc de Chine. This example has an apocryphal Xuande mark on the base.Porcelain with carved decoration and transparent glazeDehua ware 德化窯Dehua, Fujian province 德化, 福建省Qing dynasty, about AD 1800–1900 PDF A400环耳回纹瓶1600–1911年間的德化窰瓷器,特徵為胎體潔白有粉沙感,釉色閃青或呈乳白色。瓷胎中的鐵雜質極少,使得器物呈色白淨,事實上德化窯所使用胎土中的氧化鐵含量僅有0.5%。胎釉在窯火中完美地熔融結合在一起。中國東南部福建德化窯生產的素白瓷,以十九世紀法國鑒賞家所用的“中國白”一詞而聞名西方。此器外底署宣德寄託年款。瓷器,刻劃花,透明釉德化窯福建省德化清代,約1800-1900年
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