Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1700-1800
Dimensions:Diameter: 81 millimetres (base) Diameter: 50 millimetres (mouth) Diameter: 133 millimetres Height: 185 millimetres
Guan-type stoneware bottle-vase with globular body, long flaring neck, on a low recessed footrim. The bottle-vase has thick, opaque bluish-grey glaze with an irregular crackle. The bottle-vase has an inscription on the base and an unglazed footrim.
![图片[3]-vase BM-PDF.10-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00585211_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing early 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF 10 Bottle with celadon glazeThe glaze and body imitate Ru ware of the Northern Song dynasty. Dark clays were used at Jingdezhen in the eighteenth century to create imitations of earlier dark-bodied wares but potters also applied brown washes to the exposed white porcelain body to recreate the darker Song body. This vase has an incised Qianlong inscription dated AD 1782 on the base which reads: 當年邵局號為官, 輕用民間禁有干, 今作市鄽私貨物, 慨然鋻古發清歎乾隆壬寅春御題Dangnian Shao ju haowei Guan, qing yong minjian jin you gan, jin zuo shi chan si huowu, kairan jiangu fa qing tan Qianlong renyin chun yuti In former times the bureau administered by Shao was known as Guan, and the law forbade the common people the profanity of using its wares. Today there are merely common goods to be bartered in the market place. Grieved by these reflections on the past, I sigh a deep regret. Composed by the Qianlong emperor in the Spring of the renyin year [AD 1782] A seal at the end of the inscription reads: Seal at end of poem比德 bide ‘ measure of virtue’ or more literally ‘compared to virtue’. Porcelain with crackled celadon glazeJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, about 1700–1800 or later PDF 10 青釉瓶此器器形與釉色皆仿北宋汝窯。為了模仿宋代的深色胎器物,十八世紀的景德鎮工匠們採用了黑色的胎土,有的在裸露的白胎處塗抹醬褐色釉汁。器底刻乾隆作於1782年的御制詩,詩文為“當年邵局號為官,輕用民間禁有幹。今作市鄽私貨物。慨然鋻古發清歎。乾隆壬寅春御題。”意為:舊時邵成章管理下的官窯,禁止普通民眾使用其生產的瓷器。今日它作為市場上可以流通的普通貨物,想起它的曾經,我慨然歎息。乾隆皇帝作于壬寅年(1782年)春。詩尾附“比德”(意為衡量德行,或直譯為與美德相比)印一方。瓷器,青釉開片江西省景德鎮清代,約1700-1800年或更晚
Dimensions:Diameter: 81 millimetres (base) Diameter: 50 millimetres (mouth) Diameter: 133 millimetres Height: 185 millimetres
Guan-type stoneware bottle-vase with globular body, long flaring neck, on a low recessed footrim. The bottle-vase has thick, opaque bluish-grey glaze with an irregular crackle. The bottle-vase has an inscription on the base and an unglazed footrim.
![图片[1]-vase BM-PDF.10-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00279244_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-vase BM-PDF.10-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00345347_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-vase BM-PDF.10-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00585211_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing early 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF 10 Bottle with celadon glazeThe glaze and body imitate Ru ware of the Northern Song dynasty. Dark clays were used at Jingdezhen in the eighteenth century to create imitations of earlier dark-bodied wares but potters also applied brown washes to the exposed white porcelain body to recreate the darker Song body. This vase has an incised Qianlong inscription dated AD 1782 on the base which reads: 當年邵局號為官, 輕用民間禁有干, 今作市鄽私貨物, 慨然鋻古發清歎乾隆壬寅春御題Dangnian Shao ju haowei Guan, qing yong minjian jin you gan, jin zuo shi chan si huowu, kairan jiangu fa qing tan Qianlong renyin chun yuti In former times the bureau administered by Shao was known as Guan, and the law forbade the common people the profanity of using its wares. Today there are merely common goods to be bartered in the market place. Grieved by these reflections on the past, I sigh a deep regret. Composed by the Qianlong emperor in the Spring of the renyin year [AD 1782] A seal at the end of the inscription reads: Seal at end of poem比德 bide ‘ measure of virtue’ or more literally ‘compared to virtue’. Porcelain with crackled celadon glazeJingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Qing dynasty, about 1700–1800 or later PDF 10 青釉瓶此器器形與釉色皆仿北宋汝窯。為了模仿宋代的深色胎器物,十八世紀的景德鎮工匠們採用了黑色的胎土,有的在裸露的白胎處塗抹醬褐色釉汁。器底刻乾隆作於1782年的御制詩,詩文為“當年邵局號為官,輕用民間禁有幹。今作市鄽私貨物。慨然鋻古發清歎。乾隆壬寅春御題。”意為:舊時邵成章管理下的官窯,禁止普通民眾使用其生產的瓷器。今日它作為市場上可以流通的普通貨物,想起它的曾經,我慨然歎息。乾隆皇帝作于壬寅年(1782年)春。詩尾附“比德”(意為衡量德行,或直譯為與美德相比)印一方。瓷器,青釉開片江西省景德鎮清代,約1700-1800年或更晚
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